Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Phones, ( Final Exam # 4 )

Well I'm in need for a new phone but I'm having a hard time picking the right phone, I want a phone In which you can take Pictures cause of the fact that I'm Photogenic, I always want it to have Web Acces, Cause I need to be checking my Myspace & Facebook recently (: oh oh and it has to Have Unlimited texting & calling NO DOUBT :) I live Texting<3>
So yeah I might be picky , but I need the RIGHT phone for me, it's not easy being with a phone you don't get along with, just like a friend you don't get along with, why be friends in the first place?

Pool Party ( Final Exam #3 )

To begin with, Summer is going to be EPIC ! & guess what all of us 8th graders are going to do? Well, We're all going to KPP :D NOONE and I MEAN NOONE, is going to miss it. We're all excited and we can't wait to go it's going to be an awesome way to start the summer, with all of my good friends, I just hope she has a lot of food cause I am ONE HUNGRY GIRL :) Pool partys are fun especially because you get to spent the whole entire time under the sun in the water working on your tan with your bestfriends, and thats the part I like the most, & A bestt friend is like a four leaf clocer, hard to find and lucky to have, and that's what brings the fun in it. <3
SO yeah, I'm excited for it I'm just worried someone might have the same bathing suit as me haha, lets hope not cause I AM NOT ready for a twin, anyways she invitedd about 101 students I hope they all go , We probably won't all fit in the pool but i'll be fun to stay together as one. I know for a fact were going to have ballon fights and chicken fights also, my favorite(:

Summer 2O1O ! ( Final Exam #2 )

So, tomorrow is the 1st day of summer, and i'm excited. There's so much to do, going to the beach, partying with friends, whatever happens, Happened NO REGRETS :) I just hope we stay in touch, me & my friends had plan that were going to do a scrapbook of all the things we do over the summer, that way in case we forget we did something when our friends ask'd what we did, we could just open up the scrapbook and they can take a look at it. Since i'm going to High school already I was thinking maybe it's time for me to get a job, and thats exactly what i'm going to do. I'm going for a short summer job, not a permanent job, but something to keep my busy. I had always wanted to go to a summer camp so I'm going to try to go for one also, if I'm not busy with cheer camp, cause now that it's summer cheer camp is going to be PACK! & all I really know is that I'm going to be doing all-nighters ALL DAY , ERRRY DAY :) just because me & my boyfriend stay up till around 7am talking on the phone and playing PS3 (: we usually go against each other on COD~ MW2 but dang he is GOOOOD ! so I got to keep training, wish me luck<3

ClassOf2O1O ! ( Final Exam )

June 9, 2010.
Today is our ( the 8th graders ) last year as a Middle Schooler!
I'm so excited, i'm going to miss everyone, we're all going our separate ways.
Not all of us are going to the same high school and it sucks because we been together for such a long time that it's going to be hard saying goodbye to all my friends.

"Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow? I guess I thought that this would never end. And suddenly it's like we're women and men, will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round? Will these memories fade when I leave this town? I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye, Keep on thinking it's a time to fly. We will still be, friends forever And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives. Where we're gonna be when we turn 25, I keep thinking times will never change, Keep on thinking things will always be the same. But when we leave this year we won't be coming back, No more hanging out cause we're on a different track. So If we get the big jobs and we make the big money, when we look back now, will 'our jokes & insiders' still be funny? Will we still remember everything we learned in school? Still be trying to break every single rule, will Little Brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man? Can heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan? And this is how it feels~
As we go on, we remember all the time we had together and as our lives change, comes whatever, we will still be, Friends forever! "

That was a short verse of the song Graduation and that's how we 8th graders feel about moving on!


Final Exam Essay;

When I first came to Computer Applications last year in 7th grade, I had low knowledge about computers and researching, so you can say I wasn't smart with computers! But as the year went by I had learn how to research for information on some of my projects & how to write better! When I say write better I mean like I learned to NOT copy & paste, & how to research for my OWN writing. What really helped me this year on this course was that since i'm an 8th grader we get A LOT of projects, and some are even have to be done on Power Points. If I ever needed to do an Essay I knew to go on Word, cause word is a word processor that helps you write essay or anything that has to do with writing, If we EVER needed to do flyers, newspapers &/or Brochures, Publisher was the one I'll go on, Our Teacher Mr. Motta helped us discover how to use Publisher and all the features it has, I was impressed of how many different things Publisher can do. It really opened my eyes. And I saved the best for last, Power Points are my favorite, Not only can you write on different slides, but you get to express your Artistic side. You can add pictures & even change the background color, I like that you can put different effects on the slides. So as you know this course has helped me in so many ways and I'm grateful of that. The use of Word, Publisher, & Power Point will help in my regular academic courses in my future academic years by saving me time and being able to make my work stand out.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cutting people in line

As you may know On May 14, all of us 8th graders went on the field trip to Universal Studios & Island of Adventures, Orlando. We went around 4am and left around 11pm. (:

But while we were there, there were also some 7th graders from different schools, & parents/guardians. & some safety patrols maybe 5th graders. So yeah you can imangine the lines were LONG! /: & in our group we had this short girl, so what we would do was, we would make her skip other people (& since she's short noone noticed) & when she got to the front of the line, she would scream to us "guys I'm over here!" so we automatically got to the front of the line! saving us a lot of time and waiting in those lines(: We did this for most of the rides, but we had a fast pass (a fast pass is a pass in which you can use to skip the lines on most attractions) and we used it in the ride HULK. which had a huge line! And that's our way of cutting people in line, (:

Fun things to do with your desert!

It was April 20, 2010.
My parent's took me & my cousin Alex out to a buffet resturant.
Mostly, cause it's an all you can eat, and I lOVE eating with an passion. But anyways, while my cousin was eating his fried rice and what so ever. I was eating Jello's (: but then it got to a point that I didn't want anymore, but I wasn't going to throw it away. I mean I only had like 10 pieces of Jello's left but still. You know how Jello's are all wiggily? So, I did what most blondes do, and I started shaking my plate of jello's while screaming out "EARTHQUAKE EARTHQUAKE! Hit the deck," it was the most hilarious thing ever! I was bored, and I felt like doing something crazy, you should've seen my parent's faces they were so embarressed. I wouldn't blame them. (:
At that moment I had felt like an 5 year old, but come on you live only once, so might as well have fun with your life right? And playing with my food= fun for me! (: So, next time you go to a buffet and you have NOTHING to do with your left over Jello's you might as well make an earthquake, and see if they survive it.

Earthquake + JELLO= Blonde Moments!

I never know when I might get another blonde moment,